60.000+ Attendees | 1.500+ trainings since 2011 across Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and North America
LinkedIn Guru
Tom’s Linkedin expertise spans all the way from 2004, when he got his first Linkedin invitation! Since then Tom has used Linkedin for just about anything and everything, even selling a company via a Linkedin meeting request!
As a recruiter Tom was one of the first in Europe to use Linkedin systematically. And since selling his social recruitment agency back in 2011, Tom has travelled across the globe sharing his expertise in recruitment, branding, Linkedin and social selling to audiences big and small.
Keynote Speaker
Tom has given keynote speeches all across Europe, and has had the privilege to give a speech at a TEDx conference in Turku, Finland, in 2017. The TEDx speech can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn9hxYQd2bI&feature=youtu.be.
For more information about Tom’s keynote speeches, check out the references section.
Most of Tom’s topics relate to social media recruitment, employer branding, personal branding and Linkedin.
Tom has authored several books, so far only in Finnish, though. His books incl. e.g. “Sosiaalisen median työkalut osaamisyhteisön kehittämisessä”, “Suhteellinen Rekrytointiteoria”, “Työnhakuopas”, “Henkilöbrändi” and the freely downloadable “Linkedin Megaopas”, also available to download within these pages!
Tom’s next book “Paras työpaikka ikinä!” comes out later in 2019, stay tuned!
And blogs… you’ll find some of the latest ones at the bottom of the page, but you can find an interesting one here as well: https://recruitingdaily.com/youre-measuring-the-wrong-employer-brand-metrics/
Most of my expertise relates to using social media to the max, and that’s what I prefer teaching. I don’t do trainings or speak about topics that I don’t have experience with. So don’t ask me to come speak about Facebook marketing ;-) That’s what we have other people for.
My favorite topics and most sought after trainings fall into the following categories;
Social Media Recruitment / Job Hunting
Employer Branding / Employee Branding
Social Selling (with Linkedin)
B2B marketing, social selling, advertising, personal branding, profile optimization, recruitment and employer branding. etc.
Most of the sessions that I run are actual trainings or workshops, but the number of keynote speeches seems to be increasing. If you wish to know more, request a price, or perhaps wish me to write a guest blog or share my thoughts for a media article, get in touch!
You can reach me at tom@tomlaine.com. Our Business Development Manager Marko will also be happy to answer your questions at marko@tomlaine.com
Depends on the date, topic and location. I travel frequently, and need to figure out when and how to get to each location, so the price may vary a bit. Thus, I prefer to tailor the price accordingly. So send me your preferred date, location, and topic, and let’s discuss! For a quote, contact our BD Manager Marko at marko@tomlaine.com
Finland has slightly different services available, so make sure to check them out in Finnish at www.somehow.fi!
Laskusuhdanne siellä, laman uhka täällä, nousua joillain aloilla, osaajia ei tarpeeksi siellä missä pitäisi, osaajia työttömänä siellä missä ei pitäisi, suo siellä, vetelä täällä. Työmarkkinan toimivuudesta / toimimattomuudesta puhutaan jatkuvasti ja aina vaan, aina löytyy joku kulma mutista. Ei siis mitään uutta taivaan alla.